
Students Iasi Advises

Students Iasi Advises

Posted by admin on Saturday February 24th, 2018 | | 0

Iasi Rent Apartments for students

For the students in Iasi(University of Medicine and Pharmacy Grigore T.Popa,University Alexandru Ioan Cuza,University of Veterinary Medicine etc)there are some tricks for finding a cheaper apartment closer to the univesity you go through our agency Quick Rent Iasi .

It can be found in the center of the city vis-a-vis (in front of) hotel Unirea, 3 minutes walking from UMF and 10 minutes from Cuza.

How to find an apartment quickly and easy in Iasi(for students)?

For finding an apartment in Iasi we recommend you to search early enough starting from end of june until august included.Considering that students represent the biggest part of renting apartments in Iasi,waiting to rent at the end of september or the begining of october would be difficult to find an apartment closer to the university and at a good price.

Around that time most of the apartments are already rented.For renting an apartment you need to contact us online or to come at our agency for presenting you our deals.

Our agency

It is very common and easy to rent an apartment in Iasi through the agency.

Normally you find an apartment in less then 3 days.It is not excluded to find an apartment in Iasi in the same day.

If you contact us you will be able to visit  some apartments that fit your expectations.If you decide on one that we presented, you will need to pay at least the guarantee that means  1 month of the rent and the commission of the agency(that represents 1 month of the rent) cash for signing the contract and blocking the apartment.

If the transaction will be online,after presenting photos/videos, the payment will be made by bank transfer for the owner rent and deposit and separated for the agency the commission 1 month of rent, moment when you will get the contract and you will be able to block the apartment.

The commission of the agency in Iasi it the equivalent of one month of the rent.


For an apartment of 400 euro per month you will pay the minimum 1200 euro for signing the contract meaning: 1st month of the rent +  warranty  (deposit) 1 month+ the commission of the agency(1 month).

How to find a cheaper apartment in Iasi?

Are you a new student looking for a place to stay cheaper and closer to the university? The solution is to come in Iasi in june until the beginning of september.In this period you can choose from more offers .

You can also rent an apartment with 2-3 rooms at a good price that you can share with the ones that will come later in  september-october when apartments closer to the university will be already rented.

Sharing an apartment with other students will allow you to save money but also to not feel lonely in a new country in the first months.

The prices of the apartments in Iasi:

The price varies depending on the location in the city and the condition of the apartment.In general the apartments in new buildings or renovated that are in the center are more expensive.

UMF  IASI and Cuza University of Iasi being in the center and having a lot of students have a big influance regarding the price of the apartments.

The price range of apartments in the center of the city(less then 10 minutes walking to UMF IASI /Cuza University Iasi) :

  • studio: 350-450 euro/month;
  • 2 rooms apartment(1 bedroom+living): 450-700euro/month
  • 3 rooms apartment(2 bedrooms+living): 550 – 800 euro/month
  • 4 rooms apartment(3 bedrooms+living): 700 – 1000 euro/month

The price range for more the 10 minutes walking to UMF IASI/ Cuza University Iasi:

  • studio: 350-400 euro/month
  • 2 rooms apartment(1 bedroom+living): 400-500 euro/month
  • 3 rooms apartments (2 bedroom+living): 450-650euro/month
  • 4 rooms apartment(3 rooms+living): 500-700euro/month

Inchirieri apartamente Iasi

Inchirieri apartamente Iasi Au urmat parteneriate cu cei mai importanti dezvoltatori, colaborarea cu companii si organizatii importante, institutii bancare etc. si formarea unui portofoliu de clienti relevant.

Inchirieri apartamente Iasi

Inchirieri apartamente Iasi: Managementul companiei mentine in timp aceleasi repere de business si valori de conduita alaturi de o echipa cu care lucreaza impreuna inca de la inceputul activitatii firmei. Tocmai de aceea colaboratorii ne devin in fapt parteneri, iar relatiile cu clientii nostri sunt de durata, multi dintre acestia apeland din nou, la distanta de ani de zile, la serviciile companiei noastre. Mai presus de cotatia de piata sau conditiile pietei in diferite perioade, reputatia firmei nu este conjuncturala ci construita in timp, prin stabilitate si profesionalism. Telefon contact

Inchirieri apartamente Iasi

Viata noastra se desfasoara intr-un spatiu, intr-un loc. In real estate le numim locatii, dar noi stim foarte bine ca sunt mai mult decat atat. De la aspectele pietei imobiliare, cele economice, financiare, la necesitatile individuale ale fiecarui client sau ale fiecarei afaceri, in viziunea noastra nu intermediem proprietati ci construim o punte stabila intre cerere si oferta, intre solicitari si dorinte, in definitiv o punte intre oameni intr-o piata si respectiv intr-o societate in permanenta transformare - inchirieri apartamente Iasi. Dorinţa de a oferi cele mai bune servicii, cele mai competente analize, respect şi încredere clienţilor noştri ne-a motivat să abordăm lucrurile diferit. Expereinţa dobândită ne oferă o imagine clară a pieţei imobilare, iar continua perfecţionare şi cursurile de pregătire, parcurse de către membrii echipei Rent Iasi Center - Inchirieri apartamente Iasi ne permit să ne desfăşurăm activitatea la standardele înalte, impuse în primul rând de noi. Pasiunea noastră şi viziunea comună fac ca serviciile Rent Iasi Center - Inchirieri apartamente Iasi să se bazeze pe valori concrete: pe corectitudine şi profesionalism, seriozitate şi respect faţă de client, pentru care ne dorim în primul rând să fim un partener de încredere, un consilier avizat, un prieten. Pasiune, Integritate si Valoare adaugata pentru inchirieri apartamente Iasi - Credem ca se pot face lucruri incredibile atunci cand crezi si acţionezi cu integritate pentru ele. Este motivatia care ne face sa trecem dincolo de gandirea concurentiala si sa apreciem colaborarea si evolutia permanenta (a fiecaruia dintre noi si a companiei) ca fiind generatoare de valoare adaugata pentru toti cei ce ne intalnesc. Oameni - Credem că serviciile de calitate pentru inchirieri apartamente Iasi aduse altor oameni sunt un scop in sine, dincolo de caştiguri şi validare socială. Timp si confort - Am ales să lucrăm doar pe segmentul premium şi de lux pentru inchirieri apartamente Iasi, si asta inseamna o cunoastere aprofundata a pietei in care activam, timp si confort pentru participantii la tranzactie. La Rent Iasi Center - Inchirieri apartamente Iasi cunoastem cu precizie că reputaţia reprezintă cartea de vizită a unui agent imobiliar - agentie imobiliara Iasi. Prin tot ceea ce facem, suntem atenţi să construim o reputaţie impecabilă, fie că este vorba de deservirea nevoilor clienţilor noştri, sau de interacţiunea cu colegii de breaslă. Quick Rent Iasi - Casa Martino Iasi - Agentie Imobiliara Iasi ofera servicii de inchirieri apartmaente Iasi in judetul Iasi. Pentru detalii suplimentare va stam la dispozitie la 0746.282.300 / 0752.545.830 / 0741.576.227 sau quickrentiasi@yahoo.com. Adresa: Str. Piata Unirii, nr. 9, Iasi. Twitter
inchirieri apartamente Iasi

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